Amarkets Verification - Passport, ID card, Email Verification 2025

Amarkets Verification is a 3-step process that ensures security and access to all platform features, including withdrawals.

The verification includes confirming your email and phone number and uploading identification documents.

Amarkets Verification
Verify your Amarkets account in 3 steps

Overview of the Steps

You don't have a long way to go to verify your Amarkets account; Amarkets Verification steps:

  • Go to My Profile;
  • Verify your email and phone number;
  • Submit and scan your ID documents.

#1 Access Profile Settings

  • Log in to your Amarkets account;
  • Click on the avatar in the main dashboard and go to My Profile.
My Profile section in Amarkets Verification
Go to the My Profile section to start verifying your Amarkets profile

As you can see, the upload document section is not activated. To do so, you should verify your email and phone number.

Documents section for Amarkets Verification
Verify your email and phone to activate the document section in Amarkets

#2 Verify Email and phone number

  • Enter the verification code sent to your email during registration;
  • Receive a call on your registered number and input the last 4 digits to verify.
Amarkets email and phone number verification
Verify the Email and Phone number registered with Amarkets

#3 Document Upload

  • Once the email and phone are verified, the Add Documents option will be available; click on that;
  • At this stage, you can choose to continue the steps on your mobile phone or on the device you are currently using;
Switch to mobile for Amarkets Verification
Switch to mobile to take photos of your documents with higher resolution for successful Amarkets verification
  • Keep the windows open until your verification on the phone is complete;
Continue Amarkets Verification on mobile
Keep this window open during the Amarkets Verification
  • Use your mobile device to scan both sides of the document;
  • Review your details like name, date of birth, and gender;
  • Click Continue to finalize the verification.

as you can see, our identity verification has been successfully completed.

Amarkets Verification successful
You will see the successful Amarkets Verification message

You can also see the verification status from the document section.

Documents approved for Amarkets Verification
From the Documents section, you will see that your documents are approved for the Amarkets verification

Conclusion and Final Words

Amarkets Verification typically takes just 5 minutes and involves entering a verification code, receiving a call, and scanning your ID.

Once verified, you're ready for the next step, which is exploringAmarkets Deposit and Withdrawal. Check out our guides on theAmarkets Tutorial page or visit TradingFinder's YouTube Channel for visual content.


What is required for Amarkets verification?

You need a verified email, phone number, and an ID document.

How long does verification take?

It typically takes just a few minutes.

What documents are accepted?

Passport, driver’s license, or ID card.

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