FP Markets Registration - Sign up in 10 minutes [5 Steps] 2025

FP Markets Registration takes about 5 - 10 minutes to complete.

FP Markets Registration
complete the FP Markets Registration in 5 steps

You must provide your personal information, select an account type, choose trading preferences, and agree to the terms and conditions.

Key Steps for FP Markets Registration

Opening an account in in the FP Markets Broker is easy to follow; FP Markets Signup Process:

  1. Visit the TradingFinder website;
  2. From Reviews, go to the Forex Brokers and select FP Markets;
  3. Click Go to website and select "Open Live;"
  4. Enter your email, name, and country, and answer basic questions;
  5. Provide your address, date of birth, and financial details;
  6. Choose your account type, platform, and trading currency;
  7. Confirm trading experience, agree to terms, and set up a password.

#1 Access the FP Markets Signup Page

  • Go to the FP Markets Broker home page;
  • Click the Open Live button.
Accessing the FP Markets Signup Page
Access the FP Markets signup page by going to the official website

#2 Enter your Personal Information in FP Markets

  • Provide your email, first name, last name, account type, and country;
Providing the personal details in the FP Markets signup process
Provide the personal information, such as full name and country, and specify the account type in FP Markets account creation
  • Specify your citizenship;
  • Select your preferred language;
  • Enter your phone number;
  • Click “Save and Next.”
Specifying the citizenship and providing a phone number for FP Markets signup
Specifying the non-US citizenship and enter a phone number for FP Markets account opening

#3 Provide Additional Details for FP Markets signup

  • Enter your address details and date of birth;
Provide address and date of birth to create an FP Markets account
Input your address and date of birth to create an FP Markets account
  • Provide your financial information;
  • Click Save and Next.
Providing your financial details for FP Markets account creation
Provide your financial details to sign up with FP Markets

#4 Choose Trading Preferences in FP Markets

  • Select your platform, account type, and preferred currency;
  • Set your leverage and create a password.
Choosing Trading Preferences in the FP Markets Registration
Select your account type and trading platform when registering with FP Markets

#5 Confirm Experience and Agree to the FP Markets Terms

  • Choose your trading experience level and accept the website’s terms and conditions;
  • Click “Accept and open Account” to complete the registration process.
Accepting the terms and conditions to complete the FP Markets signup
Agree to the FP Markets terms and conditions and complete the signup process

Conclusion and Final Words

FP Markets Registration is done in 5 steps. Provide your contact details, such as email and phone number, confirm that you are now a US citizen, and choose your trading platform.

 In our following guide, learn FP Markets Verification from the listed articles in the FP Markets Tutorials page.


How long does FP Markets registration take?

It takes about 5–10 minutes to complete.

What personal details are required?

You’ll need to provide your name, email, address, date of birth, and employment information.

What platforms are supported?

FP Markets supports popular platforms like MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5

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