Tether TRC20 Trust Capital Deposit - Pay using QR Code [in 2 minutes] 2025

Tether TRC20 Trust Capital Deposit is as quick as 2 minutes.

Tether TRC20 Trust Capital Deposit
Learn how to deposit Tether TRC20 to Trust Capital

The process includes selecting your trading account, inserting the amount and currency, scanning a one-time QR code, and confirming your deposit in MetaTrader 5.

Trust Capital Tether TRC20 Deposit Steps at a Glance

Sending Tether TRC20 to the Trust Capital Broker account is simple; Trust Capital Tether TRC20 Deposit Process:

  1. Log in to the Trust Capital Broker trading cabin;
  2. Select "Deposit" and choose "Pay with Crypto;"
  3. Enter the deposit amount and select your trading account;
  4. Select Tether TRC20 and scan the one-time QR code.

#1 Access the Trust Capital Deposit Section

  • Access your trading cabin;
  • Click "Deposit Now."
Navigating to the deposit section in Trust Capital to fund with Tether TRC20
Access your Trust Capital trading cabin and click Deposit Now to begin Tether TRC-20 deposit

#2 Select the Method for Trust Capital Deposit

  • Choose "Pay with Crypto" as the deposit method;
  • Click on Deposit.
Selecting Pay with Crypto as the method for funding your Trust Capital account with Tether TRC20
Choose the "Pay with Crypto" option to proceed with a Tether TRC20 deposit on Trust Capital

#3 Enter the Amount and Select Your Account in Trust Capital

  • Enter the deposit amount in USD;
  • Tick MetaTrader account;
  • Select your MetaTrader account;
  • Click "Submit."
Entering the Tether TRC20 amount and choosing Trust Capital’s MetaTrader account
Specify the Tether TRC20 deposit amount, select Trust Capital’s MetaTrader account, and click Submit

#4 Select Tether TRC-20 and Pay on Trust Capital

  • Choose Tether (TRC20) as the currency;
Choosing Tether TRC20 as the deposit currency on the Trust Capital platform
Select Tether TRC20 as your preferred currency for making deposits on the Trust Capital platform
  • Scan the one-time QR code or copy the wallet address and use it in your wallet to complete the deposit;
Scanning the Trust Capital QR code for completing the Tether TRC20 payment
Use the QR code or wallet address provided to fund your Trust Capital account with Tether TRC20
  • In case of facing insufficient payment received error, pay the remaining amount and click Continue;
Insufficient Payment Received Error for Trust Capital Tether TRC20 Deposit
If an error occurs, pay the remaining Tether TRC20 amount and click "Continue" to proceed with Trust Capital
  • Wait for confirmation in MetaTrader 5 Balance.
Confirmation of Tether TRC20 deposit reflected in Trust Capital’s MetaTrader 5 account balance
Wait for the Tether TRC20 confirmation, and check your updated balance in Trust Capital’s MetaTrader 5 account

Deposits made over the weekend will be reflected on Monday. The minimum deposit depends on the Trust Capital Account Type but generally starts from $10.

Conclusion and Final Words

Tether TRC20 Trust Capital Deposit is made in 4 steps, with a funding process between Monday and Friday.

The minimum deposit is as low as $10 (for Solo Accounts). To find other payment options, check out Trust Capital Deposit and Withdrawal from our detailed guides on the Trust Capital Tutorials page. To find more videos about the platform, follow TradingFinder's YouTube Channel.


When are deposits processed?

Monday to Friday during working hours.

Can I reuse the QR code?

No, each QR code is for one-time use only.

What if I deposit on a weekend?

It will be reflected in your account on Monday.

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