Tether TRC20 Trust Capital Deposit - Pay using QR Code [in 2 minutes] 2025

Tether TRC20 Trust Capital Deposit is as quick as 2 minutes.

Tether TRC20 Trust Capital Deposit
Learn how to deposit Tether TRC20 to Trust Capital

The process includes selecting your trading account, inserting the amount and currency, scanning a one-time QR code, and confirming your deposit in MetaTrader 5.

Trust Capital Tether TRC20 Deposit Steps at a Glance

Sending Tether TRC20 to the Trust Capital Broker account is simple; Trust Capital Tether TRC20 Deposit Process:

  1. Log in to the Trust Capital Broker trading cabin;
  2. Select "Deposit" and choose "Pay with Crypto;"
  3. Enter the deposit amount and select your trading account;
  4. Select Tether TRC20 and scan the one-time QR code.

#1 Access the Trust Capital Deposit Section

  • Access your trading cabin;
  • Click "Deposit Now."
Navigating to the deposit section in Trust Capital to fund with Tether TRC20
Access your Trust Capital trading cabin and click Deposit Now to begin Tether TRC-20 deposit

#2 Select the Method for Trust Capital Deposit

  • Choose "Pay with Crypto" as the deposit method;
  • Click on Deposit.
Selecting Pay with Crypto as the method for funding your Trust Capital account with Tether TRC20
Choose the "Pay with Crypto" option to proceed with a Tether TRC20 deposit on Trust Capital

#3 Enter the Amount and Select Your Account in Trust Capital

  • Enter the deposit amount in USD;
  • Tick MetaTrader account;
  • Select your MetaTrader account;
  • Click "Submit."
Entering the Tether TRC20 amount and choosing Trust Capital’s MetaTrader account
Specify the Tether TRC20 deposit amount, select Trust Capital’s MetaTrader account, and click Submit

#4 Select Tether TRC-20 and Pay on Trust Capital

  • Choose Tether (TRC20) as the currency;
Choosing Tether TRC20 as the deposit currency on the Trust Capital platform
Select Tether TRC20 as your preferred currency for making deposits on the Trust Capital platform
  • Scan the one-time QR code or copy the wallet address and use it in your wallet to complete the deposit;
Scanning the Trust Capital QR code for completing the Tether TRC20 payment
Use the QR code or wallet address provided to fund your Trust Capital account with Tether TRC20
  • In case of facing insufficient payment received error, pay the remaining amount and click Continue;
Insufficient Payment Received Error for Trust Capital Tether TRC20 Deposit
If an error occurs, pay the remaining Tether TRC20 amount and click "Continue" to proceed with Trust Capital
  • Wait for confirmation in MetaTrader 5 Balance.
Confirmation of Tether TRC20 deposit reflected in Trust Capital’s MetaTrader 5 account balance
Wait for the Tether TRC20 confirmation, and check your updated balance in Trust Capital’s MetaTrader 5 account

Deposits made over the weekend will be reflected on Monday. The minimum deposit depends on the Trust Capital Account Type but generally starts from $10.

Conclusion and Final Words

Tether TRC20 Trust Capital Deposit is made in 4 steps, with a funding process between Monday and Friday.

The minimum deposit is as low as $10 (for Solo Accounts.) Check out our detailed guides on the Trust Capital Tutorials page.


When are deposits processed?

Monday to Friday during working hours.

Can I reuse the QR code?

No, each QR code is for one-time use only.

What if I deposit on a weekend?

It will be reflected in your account on Monday.

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