Windsor Registration - Open Account in 3 Steps [US not allowed] 2025

Windsor Registration is complete in 3 steps. This process involves filling in the registration form by entering first name, last name, a valid email, phone number, and country.

Windsor Registration
Learn how to do register with Windsor and verify your account

Overview of the Steps

Registration with the Windsor broker takes a few minutes to complete; Windsor Registration steps:

  • Access the Windsor Broker through TradingFinder;
  • Complete the registration form;
  • Verifying your email.

#1 Navigate to Windsor Brokers

  • Visit the TradingFinder website and go to the Forex Brokers section;
  • Select Windsor Brokers and click on the Go to Website option;
  • On the Windsor Brokers page, click on Open Account.
Open Account button in Windsor
Click on “Open Account” to start Windsor Registration

#2 Provide Registration Details

  • Choose your country;
  • Insert your first name, last name, and country;
  • Enter a unique email address and create a strong password;
  • Confirm that you are not a U.S. citizen and accept the broker's terms and conditions;
  • Click on Sign Up, and your account will be created.
Windsor Registration Form
Fill in the Windsor Registration form with your details

#3 Verify Your Email

  • Check your email for a verification link;
  • Click on the link to confirm your email address;
Email verification for Windsor registration
Click on “Verify your email address” to complete Windsor Registration 

Done! Now, complete your profile and start trading.

Verification successful for Windsor Registration
After the Windsor registration complete your profile


Completing your Windsor Registration takes only less than 2 minutes alongsides verifying your Email. Traders from USA are not permitted to open an account with Windsor Broker.

To start trading, check out our following guide on Windsor Verification from the listed articles on the Windsor Tutorial page. To engage with more educational videos, subscribe to TradingFinder's YouTube Channel.


What is Windsor Registration?

It’s the process of creating a trading account with Windsor Brokers.

Can I use any email address?

Ensure the email address hasn’t been used with Windsor Brokers before.

How do I verify my email?

Click the link sent to your registered email address.

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