Binarium Registration 2025 - With Email and Password

Binarium Registration is a process within 3 minutes. Follow the steps from account creation using your email and phone number to email verification.

Binarium Registration
Complete your Binarium Registration in less than 3 minutes

Quick Overview of Steps

  • Visit the Binarium website through TradingFinder;
  • Provide an email, password, and your personal details;
  • Verify your email address.

#1 Visit the Binarium Website

  • Go to the Trading Finder website;
  • from Reviews, Go to the Binary Options section;
  • Select the Binarium review;
  • Click Go to Website.

#2 Start the Registration Process

  • On the Binarium homepage, click Sign Up;
  • Enter a valid email and create a secure password (uppercase, lowercase, numbers, symbols);
  • Choose your preferred account currency type;
  • Check the box confirming acceptance of Binarium’s terms and conditions;
  • Click Open Free Account;
Signup form
Fill in the provided form with your email, password, and the account currency
  • On the next page, fill in your first name, last name, and phone number;
  • Click Start Trading.
Providing the phone number
Enter your contact number and click on Start Trading

Now your account is successfully opened. By the way, you have the option to register Binarium using your Google account.

Successful account creation
You will see a message stating the successful registration

#3 Verify Your Email

  • Open the email from Binarium and click Confirm Registration;
Confirming the registration
Click on the “Confirm Registration” to verify your email
  • Click on the Trading option;
Going to the Trading section
Click on the “Trading” button to complete the email verification
  • Go to your profile and Select User Profile;
Going to the User Profile section
Navigate to the User Profile and see the verification status
  • Click on the link option;

Now, your email has been verified.

Email linked
Click on the “Link” button; once linked, the status turns to “Confirmed”


The Binarium Registration is completed with the 3 steps mentioned above, and your E-mail confirmation is done. As mentioned, you can also sign up using your Google account for faster registration.

Now, it’s time to explore our guide on Binarium deposits and withdrawals from our listed articles on Binarium Tutorial page. For more educational videos, follow TradingFinder's YouTube Channel.


What is the minimum password requirement?

Your password must include uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols.

Do I need to verify my email?

Yes, email verification is mandatory to activate your account.

What personal details are required?

First name, last name, and phone number are necessary.

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