Binarium Verification is complete in 3 simple steps. This process involves updating user details like date of birth and nickname and uploading identification documents such as a passport or ID card.

Binarium Verification
Accomplish Binarium KYC by updating your details and uploading your ID or passport

Overview of Binarium KYC Steps

Verifying your account in the Binarium Binary Broker can be done by following steps; Binarium KYC Process:

  1. Access Account Settings;
  2. Verify Personal Information;
  3. Upload Identity Documents.

#1 Login to Your Binarium Account

  • Go to the Binarium website and log in;
  • Navigate to the Profile section and select "User Profile."
User profile section for verifying the Binarium account
Go to the User Profile section to start Binarium KYC

#2 Verify and Update Your Details on the Binarium

  • Go to the verification section;
  • Ensure your registered email is verified;
  • If necessary, change the Phone, Country, and Address;
Changing the personal details when verifying Binarium
You can update your details and continue with Binarium KYC
  • Update details such as Nickname or date of birth by clicking "Change;"
Inserting a nickname and date of birth for Binarium KYC
Enter your date of birth and choose a nickname when verifying your Binarium account
  • Click on the “Save” button.

#3 Upload Identity Documents

  • Use clear and transparent documents in JPG, PNG, or PDF format (up to 1 MB);
  • Upload files and click on the “Submit Files;”
Uploading documents for Binarium KYC
: Upload your ID card or passport to complete the Binarium verification process
  • Check their status under "Pending;"
Checking the order after uploading KYC documents in Binarium
Check with your KYC status in the Bianarium
  • Once approved, your document status changes to "Confirmed," enabling transactions.
Binarium KYC completed
After a few days, your verification with Binarium will be approved

Conclusion and Final Words

The Binarium verification process typically takes 3 minutes to complete and typically will be approved within 48 hours. Changing your contact number is not mandatory.

When uploading, make sure that the image size does not exceed 1 MB.

Now that you’re ready to explore the next steps, read our guide on Binarium Deposits and Withdrawals from our listed articles on the Binarium Tutorial page. To see our visual content, subscribe to TradingFinder's YouTube Channel.


What is the purpose of Binarium KYC?

To ensure account security and prevent fraudulent activities.

What documents are accepted?

Passports, ID cards, and Aadhaar cards.

What formats are allowed for uploads?

JPG, PNG, and PDF larger than 1 MB.

How long does document approval take?

It may take a few business days.

Can I modify my details after submission?

Yes, details can be changed in the "User Profile" section.

What happens if my documents are not approved?

You may re-upload clear documents for further review.

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