ExpertOption Dashboard Tutorial 2025 [Trading Cabinet]

The ExpertOption dashboard has over 20 sections, including profile, achievements, battles, finances, and more.

ExpertOption dashboard
A complete guide to the ExpertOption dashboard

You can easily navigate through different segments of the platform, select your preferred asset from the asset list, select the trade duration, and execute trades.

ExpertOption Dashboard Overview

The ExpertOption trading cabinet consists of various parts and sections. We will cover all the important segments to help you easily navigate the platform interface.

ExpertOption cabin sections:

  • Top panel
  • Bottom panel
  • Left Panel
  • Right Panel
ExpertOption cabin panels
ExpertOption cabin has 4 panels on different sides

ExpertOption Dashboard Top Panel Segments

The top panel consists of various units, but only two are important.

ExpertOption top panel:

  • Real/Demo Account
  • Asset List

Real/Demo Account

To choose between real or demo accounts, click on the sections at the top of your screen.

ExpertOption trading cabin account selection
Choose a real or demo account in the top panel ExpertOption trading cabin

Asset List

By clicking on the box below the demo or real account, you can choose the instrument you want to trade.

ExpertOption dashboard asset list
Find the asset you want to trade by clicking on the box below account selection in the ExpertOption dashboard

ExpertOption Dashboard Bottom Panel

The bottom panel is where you execute trades and consists of multiple parts.

ExpertOption trading cabin bottom panel:

  • Strike rates
  • Chart types and time frames
  • Indicators
  • Trade amount
  • Buy/Sell
  • Trade duration

Strike Rates

The first option in the bottom panel is “Strike rates” where you can see the market rates.

Strike rates in ExpertOption trading cabinet interface
Click on the first option in the bottom section to open strike rates in the ExpertOption trading cabinet

Chart Types and Time Frames

The following section is the chart style, where you can select the type of chart you want.

You can select an area, line, candlesticks, or bars. You can also select the time frame of your trades (ranging from 5 seconds to 1 month).

time frame and chart types in ExpertOption user trading cabinet
Select the preferred time frame and chart type in ExpertOption users’s trading cabinet


In the next section, you can see available indicators such as MA, RSI, Bollinger Bands, etc.

New indicators can be activated here, and each can be customized based on your preferences.

ExpertOption dashboard indicators tab
Available indicators in ExpertOption dashboard

You can use the other options to zoom in or out or add horizontal and vertical lines on the trading platform.

Trade Amount

The bottom part is divided into three sections. The investment section allows you to choose the amount you want to trade.

Select the plus to add or minus to deduct five dollars from your investment.

ExpertOption cabin trade amount
Choose your trading capital in ExpertOption cabin


The main section has two options: Buy and Sell. Use this when you are ready to execute trades. The profit percentage is also shown in this section.

Trade in Expertclient cabinet Option
Click buy or sell to execute trades in the ExpertOption client cabinet

Trade Duration

Select your trade duration in the third section. You can choose various deal durations from 30 seconds. The “custom” option allows you to set your preferred timeframe.

Trade duration in ExpertOption trading cabin
Click on deal duration to choose the duration of your trade in the ExpertOption trading cabin

ExpertOption Cabin Left Panel

The left panel is where you access many of the platform features. Expert Option trading cabinet left panel:

  • Finances
  • Profile
  • Achievements
  • Apps
  • Education
  • Help
  • Become a partner
  • Battles
  • Settings


The finances section is divided into three parts: deposits, payment history, and withdrawals.

In the deposit section, you can change your country and use various methods for deposits, such as ExpertOption Credit/Debit card deposit, Binance Pay, Cryptocurrencies, Skrill, and Neteller.

ExpertOption dashboard finances section
To deposit or withdraw money, enter the “Finances” section in the ExpertOption dashboard

You can learn about the process of ExpertOption Neteller deposit and ExpertOption ERC20 deposit by reading TradingFinder articles.

You can view your withdrawal and deposit history in the payment history section. The last segment in “Finances” section is withdrawal.

All withdrawal requests are submitted through this section.


The profile section shows you the account information, upcoming achievements, loyalty program, etc.

The profile section also shows your Expert Option account type.

Profile tab in ExpertOption client cabinet
The profile tab in the ExpertOption client cabinet will show you details about the trading account

“Trade history”, “Analytics”, “Documents”, and “Security” are other available parts in the profile section.


The third part is the achievement section. Check out the achievement items you've received.

ExpertOption trading cabin achievements tab
You can see your achievements in the left panel of the ExpertOption trading cabin


The next section is “Apps”, where you will be taken directly to the store to download the Expert Option app by clicking on any of the provided links.

Apps tab in ExpertOption user cabin
You can download ExpertOption app using the tab on the left-hand side of the screen


The “Education” part is located below “Apps.” Here, you can learn everything from trading basics to advanced strategies.

ExpertOption dashboard education tab
Learn the basics and advanced trading techniques from the ExpertOption dashboard education tab


Contact Expert Option support through this section on the left-hand side panel.

ExpertOption trading cabin help tab
Click on the “Help” tab on ExpertOption trading cabin to contact the support team

Become A Partner

This tab splits into four parts: “Referral Link”, “Profit”, “Plan”, and “Help”. You can enter your information to collaborate with the Expert Option and earn commissions.

ExpertOption client cabinet become a partner tab
Use the “Become a Partner” tab in the ExpertOption client cabinet to get your affiliate link


“Battles” allow traders to challenge each other in trading competitions and earn rewards.

Battles tab in ExpertOption cabin
Use the “Battles” tab in ExpertOption cabin to compete against other traders


The settings tab allows you to change the platform's language, turn sounds on/off, change trading settings, and see active sessions.

ExpertOption dashboard settings
ExpertOption dashboard settings allow you customize your trading experience

ExpertOption Cabin Right Panel

ExpertOption right panel is the last part we will cover in this article. ExpertOption dashboard right panel:

  • Deals
  • Trends
  • Social


In the “Deals” tab, you can see your selected instrument's buy and sell deals.

The deals tab in ExpertOption trading cabin
The deals tab is available in the right-hand side of the ExpertOption trading cabin

In the “Trends” section, you can see trading pairs that have gone up or down within the last 5 minutes.

Trends tab in ExpertOption client cabinet
See the latest trends of trading pairs in the ExpertOption client cabinet


In “Social Trading” you can copy the strategy of other traders.

ExpertOption users cabin Social section
The Social trading tab is located in the right panel of the ExpertOption user cabin

TF Expert Suggestion

Navigating through the 4 available panels in the ExpertOption dashboard allows you to customize your trading experience by choosing from various available time frames (from 5 seconds to 1 month), chart types (line, area, candlestick, etc.), and indicators.

Now that you have a general idea of ExpertOption trading cabin segments, read ExpertOption deposit and withdrawal guide on the ExpertOption tutorial page to fund your account and start trading with this broker.


How do I switch between real and demo accounts on ExpertOption?

You can select between a real or demo account using the options available at the top panel of the dashboard.

How can I choose a trading asset on ExpertOption?

Click on the asset list box below the demo/real account options to select your preferred trading instrument.

What indicators are available on ExpertOption, and how can I customize them?

ExpertOption offers indicators like MA, RSI, and Bollinger Bands, which can be activated through the bottom panel.

How do I deposit or withdraw funds on ExpertOption?

Use the "Finances" section in the left panel to access deposits, payment history, and withdrawal options.

How can I adjust the chart style and time frame in ExpertOption?

In the bottom panel, you can choose chart types (area, line, candlestick, or bars) and time frames ranging from 5 seconds to 1 month.

How do I execute trades on ExpertOption?

Use the Buy/Sell buttons in the bottom panel, where the profit percentage and other key trade metrics are displayed.

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