The VWAP Bands (Volume-Weighted Average Price Bands) indicator specifically evaluates price changes in relation to daily trading volume. This tool is included in the TradingView indicators and is essential for understanding the impact of trading volume on the price trend of an asset.
The VWAP Bands Indicator calculates the weighted average price over a specified time period by combining price and volume.
VWAP Bands Indicator Specifications
The table below provides a general overview of the specifications of the Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) Bands indicator:
Category | Bands and Channels - Support and Resistance - Levels and Zones |
Platform | TradingView |
Skill Level | Advanced |
Indicator Type | Breakout - Reversal - Lagging |
Time Frame | Multi-Time Frame |
Trading Style | Day Trading |
Market | Forex - Cryptocurrency - Stocks |
Overview of the Indicator
The mid-level of VWAP corresponds to the VWAP line, which reflects the average price weighted by trading volume over a specific period. The levels above and below the VWAP represent areas where the price moves relative to the VWAP value. These levels are considered support and resistance boundaries for the price.
These levels can act as dynamic support and resistance zones. When the price is above VWAP, the lower levels might serve as support. Conversely, when the price is below VWAP, the upper levels might act as resistance.
Indicator in an Uptrend
In the price chart of the USD/JPY currency pair, when the price moves above VWAP, this indicates an uptrend or positive movement in the market.
Traders generally interpret these conditions as a buy signal.

Indicator in a Downtrend
The price chart of Bitcoin (BTC) in a 15-minute time frame is displayed. When the price falls below VWAP, it signals selling pressure and a downtrend in the market.
In such cases, the market tends to move downward, recognized as a sell signal or a negative trend.

VWAP Bands Indicator Settings
The image below shows the complete settings of the indicator:

- Period: Period;
- Source: Data source;
- Market Ultra Data: Ultra market data;
- Show VWAP: Display VWAP;
- Lvl 1 Multiplier: Level 1 multiplier;
- Lvl 2 Multiplier: Level 2 multiplier;
- Lvl 3 Multiplier: Level 3 multiplier;
- Color Fill Low Range: Low range color fill;
- Color Fill Mid Range: Mid-range color fill;
- Color Fill High Range: High range color fill.
By combining price and volume, the VWAP indicator enables analysts to identify market trends and determine suitable entry and exit points for trades.
This indicator is designed for crypto and forex markets and is highly applicable to markets influenced by trading volume.
What is the VWAP Bands Indicator?
VWAP Bands analyzes price relative to trading volume, indicating market trends and dynamic support and resistance levels.
Which markets are VWAP Bands suitable for?
Traders can use this indicator in Forex and Cryptocurrency markets.