TradingView Indicators in the Forward Market

Unlike futures, forward contracts have custom terms and are often concluded between private parties. Due to the lack of standard trading conditions, this market requires more precise analysis, focusing on liquidity, price volatility, and open positions. Using appropriate indicators for forward markets helps traders better understand liquidity changes and contract participant behavior. Trading Finder offers specialized indicators on TradingView that allow analysts to assess the trends within this custom market more effectively. Tools like the Forward Spread Index (FSI), Forward Market Liquidity (FML), and Forward Interest Rate Change Index (FIRC) are utilized to analyze forward trades. These tools help traders analyze changes in the value of forward contracts, liquidity levels, and the impact of interest rate changes. Given the forward market's non-standard nature, these indicators allow analysts to examine price and liquidity trends more accurately and adjust risk-hedging strategies based on actual market fluctuations.

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